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If you want more collage in your life then follow @februllage and you’ll see some inspiring, weird and wonderful work.

Februllage is an annual challenge that gives collagists a prompt word for every day in Feb and invites you to share your art.

There are some great prompts this year like ‘Octopus’, ‘Upside down’, ‘Overdress’ and ‘Thirst’.

Most makers share on Instagram – but you can share elsewhere, or not at all if you’d prefer.

This is my third year taking part and I’m keeping my eyes peeled for useful pictures to cut out and keep. (If you see a beautiful ornate octopus image anywhere I need to know.) I’m aiming to make 2-3 responses to the prompts a week – but time will tell how many I make and how many I post to Instagram.

It’s all organised by the ever motivating (and dedicated!) collagists @rhedfawell @miss.printed @edinburghcollagecollective and @scandinavian_collage_museum

The challenge is a fun and supportive one, so give it a go if you’re at all curious about collage.